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Ch 1 EQ Choice #2

If f(x) = life, what is the domain and range of f(x)?


  1. If f(x) = life, our lives, then the answer in my opinion is simple at first, but can evolve into something more and more complex. Since the y values cannot exist without x to work from, let’s start with our domain. X, in my eyes, is the independent variable of our lifespan from the moment you are born to the moment you die and enter what is beyond. Our domain honestly isn’t the really interesting part, because how long we live doesn’t justify how well we lived.
    The Y value represents how well we lived our lives in the eyes of yourself and others. I personally believe that we need to help people in our lives to live to the fullest. How we help them is another question altogether, but a few examples is being by being a truly loving person through kindness, generosity, and wisdom. The value of y depends on how well you show all of those as a whole. You can be wise, but greedy and selfish as well. You could also be nice, but have little else to give in knowledge or possessions. Or you could be someone who gives everything they have to others, but not wholeheartedly or with the best interests. When we balance those together, I think our lives can become fuller. Another factor of Y would be how happy in general you are. You can balance the previous three, but it might just not be for you. Or you could live a monastic life and focus on only two of the three to live fully. Life is a big topic and can’t be explained through the eyes of one person, one life needs to be looked upon through the eyes of many.
    Big idea made short, the domain of life is how long you lived, the range is how well you lived in it for yourself and others around you.

  2. I think that the domain and range would be undefined. It wouldn’t really matter because we wouldn’t know when our lives would end. Both the domain and range would be undefined because we wouldn’t know the exact point when life ends. If life had a set domain and range, then everybody and everything would die at the same age. Since it doesn’t, the limit of life is undefined. It’s basically up to the person and how they want to live their life. Nobody can really predict or define the domain and range of life. It’s up to God to figure that out for us. If it meant, “what is the domain and range of life while you’re living it?”, then the domain and range would be infinite. In life, you have so many chances to do anything you want. It would just be a matter of finding what you want to do in the infinite amount of choices there are in your domain and range. There are no limits to what you can do in life so you might as well live it up.

  3. If f(x) =life, the domain and range are very vague and very simple at the same time. Life is complicated. Things can go very wrong at one time and very right at another time. At the same time, the x range is simply when, and the y range is what did you do with your life. Let’s start with domain. The x value begins at zero. This is when life begins at birth. This time period continues forever after the beginning. Even after our death, our spirit will live in eternal life or eternal death. The domain is all time after the very beginning. Range is a little more complicated. Range is what you get out of your life. You put something into your life and get something out, just like an algebraic equation. In life, you can fill your life with good things, and fill your life with bad things. For however long you earthly life is, the range can be infinite depending on the person. They may have a great positive life, or they may have a terribly negative life. It all depends on them so the range during earthly life is pretty wide spread. After a physical death, there is another story. The range then becomes either only very high, or only very low. Heaven and Hell are your two choices. After death, there’s no changing whether you’re positive or negative. You have to choose when you have control and that is during life. The Range is infinite until death. Then it’s either infinity, or negative infinity. Life starts early so take control while you can.

  4. If f(x)=life, then our lives have two separate variables; one being the Domain, and the other the Range. I would think that the Domain would be the span of our lifetimes, and the Range would be the quality of life and the relationship we have with God. The happier a person is, the higher the Range would be. But, many factors can influence how the y-value will change over time; like good or bad deeds, relationships with family and friends, how one treats strangers, or knowledge of scripture( The Bible), and those are just a few. The Domain and Range are both undefined because everyone lives their life differently, and also have different life spans. I think that some people would say that the highest average y-value would be the person that lived the best life. I disagree, I think that a person could live a horrible life up until they are on their death bead, and find God their last day of life on Earth and still be saved, and all their previous sins would be forgiven. Therefore increasing the average y-value of the person’s life! And I think that by adding in God’s value to the average y-value list that, that person’s life would be better than great. In conclusion, a person’s life is not determined by what they accomplish, but by what they accomplish in God’s eyes.

  5. The domain would be time and the range would be goals. Kind of weird to explain such a complex question with two simple words, but let me explain myself. In our lives, we are basically given an amount of time. In that amount of time, we get to choose whatever we want to do with our lives. Some people set goals for them selves like going to college and getting a job. Some people don’t really get to do much, depends on the time they were given or just how they spent it. So the domain is the one thing of our lives, or our equation, that we cannot take control of. God decides when we will take our last breath, how long our domain will be, meaning He knows how much time we have been given to make our range higher. So in that time given to us, we should be trying to reach our goals as best as we can, knowing it will not be easy. And whenever our time is up, wherever you are in the scale of your goals, that’s how far you were able to take your range. In conclusion, only God knows your domain and whatever you were able to do in your given time is your range.

  6. If f(x) = life then I believe that a persons domain is really out of their hands but their range has countless possibilities. The domain of a person’s life I believe represents the amount of years that person lives. No one really has control of when they are going to die, it just happens. I believe a person does have control over the range of their life in the years that they live. The range is basically what you do with your life. A person can have a very short range throughout their life, o r they can have a very long range. The range of a person’s life is what they make it. They can choose to push and reach for goals to take them higher and higher in life, or they can sit back never try, and basically not get anywhere. A person can make the most out of life and their experiences, they can make nothing out of it, or end up many places in between. So if f(x) = life then the domain is set out and we have no control of it, but we can control what we do with those years and how long we want our range to be.

  7. Domain and range can each all the way up to an infanit number. The problem is that as human beings we can't live for all enternity. If we could then there wouldn't be a need for the sacrifice of Jesus to save us from hell. But since we dont live infantitly, we can after death. It all depends on if you accept Jesus Christ as your savoir in order to live enterally in heaven. The domain and range may not be possible in our life today but after death it is undeyable. Domain would represent the amount of time we spend with God in Heaven which is infanit. Then the Range would represent how happy we will be that whole time we are with God. Nothing is impossible when you have God living in your heart, ecspecially if your gonna see him one day.

  8. The range and domain of life is that is goes on forever. We go on forever until we die that is when our domain and range end. Our domain and range is also our age in life. As we get older our domain goes out more. The range would be the trials and the best parts of our life. Our trials would go down into the negatives. But when we have good parts of life they go up into the positive. The range and domain could also mean how our faith grows in God. When we don’t know God we are going down into the negatives. Then when we start to know God we start making our way up to the top. So the domain and range could mean anything but this is how I understand them.

  9. If f(x)=life, then we have two very different ways of interpreting life. In my mind, domain would be our lifetime. Domain would start in the negative because you aren’t as mature when you’re young. Then at the point when you get mature you cross the y axis and get into the positive range where you are mature and older. Some although can be very young and be very mature, but there can also be those who are older and are just not mature. So, many of these domains range from negative to positive or can simply just stay on one side of the graph. The range would then be what life throws at us. Everyone has their own up’s and down’s, literally. Our graphs all look different but to God he ultimately wants us to look at our graphs and find him through the good and the bad. Through him he wants us to see the bad and face it with him to power through the negative graph. Then through him lead up to our highest peak in the graph that is ever so infinite. In life our graphs may be all over the place, but God knows that we all have hardships and he wants us to seek him through those hardships.

Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
