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Ch 1 EQ Choice #1

How do functions help us understand the attributes of God?


  1. God related to a function I honestly say I have never thought or related the two together but as I learn more in both religion and functions in math it is possible to relate. Functions are not always a straight line or sometimes they are or maybe in “segments” they are straight and at parts wavy there is no way to predict how a function looks or is we just know. Such as, for God we have no idea how God looks or is or why or how to understand God we just follow him because of faith and such things like a function. The length of a function can also be related to God in ways of the ends of functions can go to infinity, beginning and end. God also is forever living beginning to end he goes for infinity. The other relation to the infinity of a function is God’s love the one that goes on to infinity and also may have rough patches representing the wavy lines or such. There are also so many different types of functions, inverse and others we haven’t learned yet. God also has many different forms of himself whether it be for other religions or the way God has three different parts that make up him. God also can take the form of other things a Sheppard, leader, protector. As a function it can take form into other functions. I know these reasons can be argued with or disagreed with but these to in my opinion are the way I can relate God to a function, a math term right next to a religious term.

  2. If we input God into the equation, there must be an output, and that is love. God is love. So, if the value of (X) is love then the output is God. Love is a function of God and whenever God is in the equation, so is love. But, love isn’t the only attribute of God. One can say that there are multiple values of (X) because God has so many other attributes, such as: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In Genesis, it states that man was created in the likeness of God, but it also states that we have fallen and are corrupted. If we put ourselves into f(x) then we wouldn’t be a function because there would be a positive and negative output. As humans, we must adjust our hypocrite ways so that there is only a positive output and must avoid “adjusting” the window to only put a façade on for other people. We must rearrange our equation back to God’s equation and abstain away from being his inverse. In conclusion, we can understand a spiritual view of God through a mathematical perspective.

  3. The function could be our lives what happens and god would always be a part of our lives he shapes us during our lives. But we are still our own number so the effect of God could help our lives or we would take God’s effect differently. God affects our lives every time and every day. He is always with us. The impact of how he could change our lives is entirely up to us. Our equation could include the time and power and focus we put into God which can power God in our equation to whatever power we choose. But if we live our lives simple and follow his rules his impact on us the input is tremendous. God is good. God is great and he cares about us. He is powerful enough to change input entirely for the better. Yes we make our own equations but God is a factor of everyone’s and his power in our lives is how much time and focus we spend or give him. You can always depend on God to be right or to make our equation right.

  4. There are many ways a function can teach us about God’s attributes. A function relates to God in that both have no beginning or end. They just go on and on for all of eternity. They go along in opposite directions forever and never cross. God never goes back on his word, just as a function never goes back on itself. When you graph a function on your calculator, the window only allows you to see a limited portion of the function. This is true with God as well. Although we cannot always see him, we must have faith that there is than meets the eye. Like the x-cubed function covers every real number in existence, God is ever present in everything in this world. How is God not connected to functions? He gave us math to help understand his creation!

  5. To me God and function dont really go hand and hand. But if i had to relate the two i guess God is like a function. A function has to be a specific way and has to pass the verticle line test in order to be a function. God is perfect and there is no other way for him to be. so like a function God is a function and he does pass to test.

  6. The most important thing about God and all that he does for us, he gives us his love. Nobody can love us individuals like he does. His love put in a function would be (x) because his love can go on forever and there wouldn't have to be a number put by it. The input and output would be God and us human beings. Looking at a function all numbers would be the same because God does not love one person more than the other. He loves us all the same.

  7. The attributes of God are infinite. In order for a function to operate, we learned that we feed the function to get an output. The amounts of inputs there are infinite just like the attributes of God are infinite. God is everything. My interpretation of functions helping us understand Gods attributes start with, functions being always related to God. As I said before functions need inputs to get outputs. When we put God as the input we get his attributes, the outputs. When I say God is everything, he is the nature and creation, the love, the family, everything! If we put in any of these things we get his attributes. If I were to put the value of (x) as Gods creation into the function, I would get outputs; Gods infinitude and sovereignty. Those are two of many attributes of God. If the value of (x) were His Son Jesus, the output would be love, mercy and graciousness. Everything God has given to us that is good, reflects his attributes. Functions came be our guidebook to how we can live our lives more like God. We should think of all his attributes to try and corporate them into our everyday life, then to live them.

  8. Well first of all i dont think God as math, i think of him as Lord of all living and dead things; but if i saw him as a function i think i would be able to see God as one. A line is like a human life and if we keep on going to same direction, it will not be able to pass and not work, but if we dont keep going the same way and change our direction we will pass and God will let us inn into heaven's doors.

Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
