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Ch. 7 EQ Choice #1

In this chapter we met another number similar to π in e? Both of these numbers occur throughout nature. How does the existence of such numbers help you believe or disbelieve the existence of God?


  1. Some things in life still remain perfect, even after the fall of man. Even in a fallen world where Satan rules, some things just make perfect sense. Math is a great example of this. Pi is the number that when multiplied by the exact diameter will give you the exact circumference of a circle. E is a different matter yet similar in some ways. The most naturally occurring logarithm other than 10 is E. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how, I don’t know why but it solves my equations, and I’m happy we have it on our calculators. A predictable mathematical nature is something that proves to me that there is a God. There is no way that mathematician can invent something that complex, just to do it. It has to be discovered. To be discovered, it has to be there in the first place, and I believe God created these processes to help us understand our world. We may hate them, but we have benefited greatly from them.

  2. I believe the existence of π and e in nature and mathematics prove the existence of God. I say this because I understand that human beings do not have all of the answers in life. That is why we need God. Pi and e are both seemingly endless numbers. Both are repeating decimals that scientists have never been able to predict the end to. This correlates with the fact that characteristics of God are endless. His love, His mercy, and His everlasting grace are all factors of God that are given to us, sinful beings, every day. There is no end to His creation either. No one has discovered a wall at the end of the universe, and no one has discovered every single species on our planet. New, amazing things are always being found, and it only goes to show how big God is; just like pi and e.

  3. Both pi and e, are the same in a way but also different in others. Both used for problem figureing but also have different number calculations. They say pi and e are never ending numbers, but are they really? Really only one man or Jesus(: knows. These numbers don't really change the aspect of how I believe in God, in the Bible it tells us that God knows everything and created everything. So basically he created these two numbers so of course he knows them. pi-3.141592...etc e-2.71828...etc both are complicated numbers for us, but Jesus(: its not.

  4. I do think that the existence of these numbers proves that God is real. Both of these numbers are never ending and do not repeat. There is no possible way these numbers could have occurred naturally. God put these numbers within creation as way to show humans that he really is there. These two numbers represent God in many ways. First, they are never ending just like God. God has always been around and his creation, mercy, and love for us is endless. In order to “discover” these numbers they had to be created and placed there, God put the numbers to leave hints for us to find out the truth about Him. These numbers have always been and will always be around because they represent and show his presence in all creation. While others may think that these numbers just happened I believe that they proved the existence of Him.

  5. The repeating existence of π and e show to me that God loves patterns. The world was made in six days and the Star of David has six points. The holy week consists of seven days and the Book of Revelations has seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. So these are ways God likes the numbers six and seven, couldn’t he enjoy using π and e? Π is used in circles all the time and even implemented for other issues. I haven’t really learned much about e, but there is a button on your calculator for log base e so it will probably occur more often later on. Showing the pattern of their use, there must be a reason for their occurrence. If God likes patterns as he does in the Bible, then maybe he does exist. I don’t know, everything about Christianity in the end is about putting away rationality for faith. The frequency of π and e is just a sign that faith might be worthwhile.

  6. The number π, and the number e occur throughout nature, and it’s completely remarkable. I remember reading a sign in biology class last year that asked “Do you think man created mathematics or discovered it?” That question made me stumble and actually think, because I never thought of it before. However, the more I thought about it and the more I learned in pre calculus; the more I KNEW that God created it, it is so complex. When God created the earth, he created nature, and I am sure he spent time on his creations. And I am positive that no women or man on earth could ever create a number like π or e. It is crazy to think that we can use the number π and times it by the diameter of an object to get the circumference. No human could create such a complex number. This also applies to the number e, it is the most popular occurring logarithm. Both numbers are HUGE and hard to comprehend, kind of like God. I believe that God put these numbers in his creation, in our lives to help us understand the greatness of him and believe that he does exist. In Romans 1:20, God talks about how men and women everywhere can look at the creation and know that God exists. So in my eyes π and e, are just another incredible part of God’s creation in nature.

  7. The number π, and the number e occur throughout nature, and it’s completely remarkable. I remember reading a sign in biology class last year that asked “Do you think man created mathematics or discovered it?” That question made me stumble and actually think, because I never thought of it before. However, the more I thought about it and the more I learned in pre calculus; the more I KNEW that God created it, it is so complex. When God created the earth, he created nature, and I am sure he spent time on his creations. And I am positive that no women or man on earth could ever create a number like π or e. It is crazy to think that we can use the number π and times it by the diameter of an object to get the circumference. No human could create such a complex number. This also applies to the number e, it is the most popular occurring logarithm. Both numbers are HUGE and hard to comprehend, kind of like God. I believe that God put these numbers in his creation, in our lives to help us understand the greatness of him and believe that he does exist. In Romans 1:20, God talks about how men and women everywhere can look at the creation and know that God exists. So in my eyes π and e, are just another incredible part of God’s creation in nature.

  8. Numbers like pi and e can really help us see God. These numbers occur throughout nature and are never ending. There is no way that any human could ever create such numbers. Take pi for example. You use this number to find out different things about a circle. If a human came up with it, they would have used a simple number, that was easy to remember. Our brains could not come up with a never ending number that works every time. The number e is also a great example. Just like pi, it is never ending. When we use it in a natural log though, it works the same every time. God put these kinds of things throughout creation to help us see him. Without seeing little reminders, like these numbers, all the time, it would be very hard for us to believe in God.

  9. The existence of these two numbers affirm the existence of God because they occur in nature. God created everything on earth with a purpose, and the purpose of these two numbers (pi and e) are to help man understand the world God created. Without these two numbers we would be completely lost and wouldn't have magnificent building and structures that praise the work of man. Though the work is enjoyed by us all without God creating these two numbers we wouldnt be able to glorify our ability to create in His name. We should always give the recognition to God when we create with the tools he has provided, even when solving a math problem correctly we are using God's tool. Man has always taken the credit but they didn't create these numbers they discovered these tools. These numbers occur in nature like a plant growing, man didn't create the plant, but they use the plant for other useful things. This is the same with everything in life we utilize from God's creation. As we continue to discover new resources we should also remember that our God created everything we would ever need. And has also given us the tools to create whatever we made need and want.

  10. I can’t say that this disproves or proves that there is a God or that God does exist but rather I am changing the question to does this help understand. I think these two letter or numbers “e” and “pie” explain a little of God. Like how he is never ending these number are not suppose to end which you know he doesn’t. Also these numbers are complicated to understand yet so easy to know which is like God you can’t understand him but you can know him. In a way I guess this does also prove Gods existence due to that God and these numbers have similarities proves that if math and science can believe in the reality of these never ending numbers they can believe in a God. So to answer the question I would say yes it does prove God well more than disproves.

  11. The existence of both of these very unique and important numbers definitely strengthens my belief in God. The fact that they both continually occur in nature shows us that God used tools to create this world. He used math, more specifically pi and e to make this world. In doing this, God allows us to see parts of his creation we wouldn’t be able to see without pi and e. In a way, he uses these numbers so that we would better understand his creation. Human beings are curious creatures. We question everything. Pi and e allow us to understand more. It just makes sense for God to use these specific numbers in his creation. They are after all, perfect. He is perfect. Pi and e make life simpler for everyone.

  12. The nature of both Pi and e can be at times very difficult and fustrating to understand. But once you practice and the more you spend time learning the contents of each given number, you start to gain a better understanding and respect the value of each. Each given number representing pi and e are very important. they help us figure out different questions that we have trouble solving by ourselves. without pi and e I would say that math today would be much more difficult to conperhend and understand. so relating this to the existance of God is quit easy. The importance of having pi and e in the math world is very understanding but the importance of having God in this world is far more greater. Pi and e are such huge numbers but what created them to be this way in the first place? see, that right there is when we have to believe that there is something greater and more powerful then anything. Pi and e can help figure out how things work in this world but what they cant do is help explain how all this came to be. my answer to that question is that there are things in this world that we as humans or pi and e can explain. God is the creator of everything. he just creats different things to help us understand even a little portion of his creations.

Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
