Respond, Refute, Agree, Discuss, etc. the following statement: Humans interact with God like a tangent line.
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Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
I disagree. A tangent line is a line that only touches the function at one point. If we are a tangent line and God is the function, than if that were true, we only touch once. I don’t believe that’s true. God is always working in our lives no matter what. Sure it may be that we maybe only try and touch God once in our lives. He is always working in us. We “touch” much more than just once in the grand scheme of things. We need to interact with God a lot more than once. That’s quite a life lesson….
ReplyDeleteA tangent line only touches a curve once, then it has nothing to do with it. If you compare that to a relationship with God, you're saying that we only interact with God once. Then completely forget about him after that. That is not how it should be. Having a relationship with God means constantly interacting with him. Therefore, a tangent line is nothing like a relationship with God should be. Sadly however, there are people who have a relationship with God that is like a tangent line. I'm sorry for those who have relationships like that. However, I strongly recommend have a different type of relationship with him. One that does not resemble a tangent line.
ReplyDeleteA Tangent line is a line that touches the curve of a circle once and never meets the curve again. With God, it’s a whole different situation; many individuals seek to find God and have an enduring relationship with him, not to pass him back. The only way I’d see the Tangent line situation is if an individual has back-slinden or has rejected God from their life completely. Even if this were so, people always find or meet God one way or another, they can choose to go through with a line of Tangent or stay put a build a relationship with God.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the statement that humans interact with God like a tangent line. God is the line that goes to infinity because he never had a beginning or an end. The tangent line is us. We hit the infinite line once. This demonstrates humans’ short life span when compared to God and his immortality. We are only one point in existence of God. I also believe that there needs to be more to this equation. Even though we die we still get to live with God for eternity. I guess that’s where the part about tangent lines going on infinitely comes to play. I still believe there is more that needs to be added to the equation to resemble God’s relationship with us, tangent lines is very close to the mark.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the idea that humans interact with God like a tangent line is only true to an extent. A tangent line touches another function only once. At some point in everyone’s life we hear about God and we have a choice to follow Him or not. If someone decides not to follow God they are on a path to following their life like the opening statement above. God may try to intervene again but you never know when your life will end. However, if someone decides to follow God and accept Jesus in their heart they will interact with God every day. As Christians our interaction with God should be constant. We interact with Him is by praying and worshiping. What we should do and what we actually do can be two different things. Christians need to make sure that they stay on a parallel line with God’s will as we can easily become distracted.
ReplyDeleteIf our lives are like tangent lines, then our lives are very meaningless. We only touch God (the curve) once, according to this theory. I would much rather believe that our lives are on a synchronization pattern with God. God’s will is always a factor in our lives. His purpose for us is something that we cannot avoid. Our choices and our lifestyle also dictate if we are synchronized with God or not. The choice is always up to us: Will we follow Him or not? When our lives are over, we spend eternity somewhere. Again, it is up to us where we spend eternity, but this parallel is applicable to the tangent line as well.
ReplyDeleteI believe that humans do not interact with God like a tangent line. In life one is supposed to interact with God as much as possible, unlike a tangent line. All this is going on the premise that God is the parabola, and we are the tangent line. If I were a tangent line, I would say that a lot of my life has been filled with God(cantact with the parabola), but not as much as I would like.
ReplyDeleteAnother view point that I do not neccesarily agree with is that our relationship with God is like a tangent line. In the sense that sometime in our life we make a vow to truly follow God, and it sticks with us for life, and our spirit lives on for eternity. Just like a tangent line. This idea makes sense in the idealistic way of thinking, but realistically I believe the first view point is much more clear and concise.
All in all, I guess it just comforts me to think that we should interact with God throughout the duration of our lives. Not just once.
I agree with the statement “human interact with God like a tangent line”. I agree with this statement because every time we pray we are making a connection with God. We are also able to have a relationship with God in the process. We only touch once because we are unable to be completely on the same level with God. At different times on our life we are at different points on God’s function. Some time we are touching and other times there is a disconnect. Like Johan, when he didn’t want to go to Nineveh. Then there are time when we are so close to God we can touch Him. Like when we pray, do devotions, or praise him. I believe humans interact with God like tangent lines because there are different points in each person’s life. Sometimes we are touching, other times we aren’t.
ReplyDeleteWe interact with God like a tangent line because we don’t really follow God at all. We always see how we can better ourselves in our life. We follow our own path and think that God is not apart of our path. We don’t see that God is trying to better our lives. So we do our own thing and do what we think is right. Some of us find God and are hit at that exact moment in life where we have met him. We can see that God is somewhere near us but we don’t realize how God has impacted our lives already and that he is always near us. I also think that we find it hard to find God, that our path has its ups and downs. I also think that we find God but we stray away from him and never really stay with him no matter how hard we try. God is a perfect circle, and we are a tangent line that hardly finds God in the straight path.
ReplyDeleteGod is like the function f(x) =x^2. He is infinite from beginning to end. We as sinful creatures of His creation are not exposed to such perfection (God). We are only allowed to see Him through His creation and through all His blessings. Our seeing of His creation and His blessings is like a point on a tangent line of the function f(x) =x^2. We are seeing the one point of the whole function that goes on forever. We are seeing the tiny piece of God that we are allowed. And with this tiny point, we are expected to follow Him and love Him through our understanding that appears so tiny and means something much, much bigger. God does work in mysterious ways, but it is up to us to see farther than a point of a line on an infinite function.
ReplyDeleteHumans do not interact with God like a tangent line. A tangent line starts away from a parabola, hits it, then goes away from it again. It only touches the parabola once. People have a different kind of relationship with God. We get to know him, but its not like we are only close to him for a day. We have a relationship with God that will hopefully last a lifetime. Some people may have a short relationship with God, but hopefully they don’t totally turn from him. People may argue that we only really meet God once, when we go to heaven. This would be the one time the line hits the parabola. I believe that God is always with us. If we actually have a relationship with him, he will be with us for our whole life.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement. Tangent lines have one point on them and the line goes on forever. It hits the curve of a line once. If the statement were true, then that would mean that we interact with God once. We have a relationship with God that’s far more interactive. Through prayer, church, and knowing your spirituality you interact with God. Going to a Christian school involves interaction with God more than once. Maybe some people don’t want to follow God but even then they have interacted with God more than once. We are more involved with God than just interacting once. We have to determine our relationships with God and I don’t think a “tangent line relationship” is possible.
ReplyDeleteI don’t agree that we interact with God like a tangent line. If we interact like a tangent that means we will only meet at one point. I believe we meet God all around that we are in constant interaction. People I believe always feel God whether we believe in him or not and that’s nothing like only at one point. A tangent line is also only a line that shows the next point and the next and the rest to follow our lives can not be see and a line with certain points in which God will interact with us. We are in constant motion and are at constant interaction with God. God is all around and our lives are everywhere and its up surd to think that both these constant things God and our lives can’t revolve around one point in which we both meet.
ReplyDeleteI agree and disagree with the statement about God being like a tangent line. There are some points that do make sense such as the fact that God has no beginning or end and that once we accept him, He is there for all eternity. The other point is that God does in fact stay close to us just as the line and dot represent. My last point I agree with is the fact that God is so much bigger than us as He acts as the tangent line and we are the small point on the graph. There are so many comparisons between us and God and most are the fact that something can last forever such as a line or infinity. The other point that I do not necessarily agree with is that God only interacts with us once and that is the point on the line. The God I know, stays with us all the time and stay close to us and not just once and then leaves. The tangent line is a relationship in which the line touches only once and then continues and God is not like this as stated before. In life we are supposed to seek him all the time and God interacts with us all the time, unlike the tangent line.
ReplyDeleteI believe that humans do interact with God like a tangent line. Everyone in life has those moments where they feel super close to God. As Christians in life we are always close to God, but we have times where we can feel Him in an overpowering way. A tangent line is a line that touches a function in one particular point. As Christians we have many tangent line moments. Moments where we are going about in life and suddenly come into contact, in an extremely close way to God. God is so amazing and powerful that we do not need to crash right through Him to feel Him in our lives. Like a tangent line it only takes one small point of contact to feel God’s amazing power. Throughout life I believe these interactions can happen multiple times, multiple tangent line interactions with God. So, yes, humans do interact with God like tangent lines.
ReplyDeleteThis topic is sort of hard to discuss. i agree and disagree with this. On a tangent line, it only touches at one point. i see it as a fault statement with our relationship with Him. With God he interacts with us in a lot of ways. He plans our lives and comes into them a lot, even if we do not notice it. I agree with how close we can get with Him. ever though we dont touch God we can get very very close to Him. so this dicussion can go either way. It both really shows how our relationship with God.