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Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
When I see the number i, I think of an imaginary number. An imaginary number (i) follows all the rules of a normal number, but can be any number, negative or positive. I think that in the metaphorical sense i is like an angel, but not in the figurative sense. The way it is like an angel, is that an angel can choose either good or bad(normally good),like a guardian angel, or bad(like satan). Angels can appear anywhere just like an imaginary number can but can only be in one place at once. An imaginary number (i), differs from a normal number(1,2,3,4,5), in the way that(i) can appear anywhere, while a normal number is in a set postion. But, figuratively an imaginary number is just like any other math term, and realistically shouldn't be applied to angels or demons. Generally when I think of an Angel I think of a being that saves and watches over people when needed. And in the same sense, an imaginary number can be used to solve an equation. All in all, metaphorically an imaginary number is like an angel, figuratively;no.
ReplyDeleteIn some ways I is like an angel and other times it is not. The imaginary number i is like an angel because like an angel we do not see i all the time, but we know that it applies to the real world. Unlike an angel, the number i is not necessarily evil or good, it is just there. Like an angel, the imaginary number is nearly everywhere we look, however we are only able to see it once place at a time because we are only at one place at a time. i is able to help us solve equations and problems similar to how angels help us solve problems and “equations” that come up during our life. God created both of them angels and the number i so it makes sense in way that the number i and angels help us out. I do not think angel is the correct term when comparing it with the number i. The number i functions like an angel in a few ways, but most of the time it functions similar to a regular number. Like a regular number we can use i in an equation to get an answer. In few ways the number I is strangely similar to an angel, but it is also similar to a regular number.
ReplyDeleteI guess when you think about the number i is a lot like an angle. The number i allows us to use the square root of –1 when we usually can’t. It helps us in out pursuit of mathematics. Angels work in a similar fashion. Although angels don’t help us in our pursuit of mathematics they do help us in our pursuit of God. They are sent by God to sometimes protect and help us at our darkest hours. The number i can also be considered sent by God to help and guide us through equations that normally we could not complete without i. i is also called an imaginary number because in doesn’t actually exist and because mathematically you can’t actually see it. The same goes for angels since they are invisible to us. i is one of the hardest numbers to understand and to wrap our minds around. Angels too are hard to understand especially their purpose on Earth.
ReplyDeleteIn a lot of ways the imaginary number i is like an angel but at certain times it is not like an angel. We don’t see angels everyday just like we do not see the imaginary number i everyday. However even though that’s the case we can still see how it is used in our lives and today’s world. The major difference between the imaginary number i is there behavior. In the imaginary number I’s case it doesn’t have a personality it is just there existing. They both however help us accomplish and solve problems in our lives. They may be helping us in very different ways, but that is one way they are similar to one another. Like everything else in this world the Lord created it all and if you take the time to think about it you can see how different things relate to one another. The number i is mainly used for mathematical purposes. I would have never thought to compare it to an angel but if and when you do, you can see the comparisons. It’s most recognized for being used in a equation but after looking at the imaginary number i it can be looked at, at a different angle.
ReplyDeleteWhen we first we told of i we could wrap our minds around the existence of an imaginary number that could be anything. In a way i is similar to x because we don’t really know what they are specifically. How ever we can use i to solve an equation but in x we use the equation to solve for x. They have similarities but are also opposites. Angels do have similarities and opposites like x and i, in which x would be considered demons. To believe in angels would be to also believe in demons. We were taught to believe and solve for x. And because we believe and use x we also have to believe and use i. But to say angels are like i in a spiritual and mathematical relationship, than what would God be in a mathematical sense? i sounds more like God since it would be anything but it isn’t in every equation and doesn’t seem to solve everything. Like angels it makes the equation look difficult but helps to solve the equation. Here I am referring to the equation as life. In life we don’t understand most of it until we realize how to solve it, especially when there is only one angel or i in that equation. When there is an i^2 or higher the equation is easier because we know i^2 is -1. This is more solid information and is more understandable. i may be imaginary but it is still there, it exists. Once we accept that i exists we can solve the equation. When we were first taught this we didn’t understand i but when we accepted that there was something like i we found it easier to understand it and use it to solve an equation, kind of like angels when we take this in to figurative terms. i is like an angel but it is a “number” (sort of) and can help solve equations in life or in math similar to an angel. Whether it is an evil angel or a good angel, I don’t think we can tell in life like i vs. x in an equation. And we can’t just assign angels to i or bad angels to x. It is difficult to be to specific in spiritual and real life terms but in mathematical terms it is more specific, all except i, i is the only number unique to math because it is imaginary.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I can find absolutely no resemblance to the variable i and a divine angel. i is used for mathematical purposes. Angels are servants of God and do miraculous things. i changes when squared, cubed, fourthed, and so on. Angels don’t change much at all. i is a known constant that can be seen and understood. Angels, like God, are invisible and only appear when they are required to, on incredulously rare occasions. To put those together, i in electrical engineering would have seemed like a miracle long ago, such as the acts of angels. Electricity today though is explainable, miracles and angels aren’t easily, if at all, provable. i was “founded” and is used by humans on a regular, uneventful occasion, while angels are God-given and show up only on the most important of times. So i and angels seem to be absolutely irrelevant toward each other.
ReplyDeleteThe imaginary number I is in some way like an angel because I and angels are not seen by the human eye. Angels are workers of God and the human eyes do not easily see them. We have to trust our gut to believe that they exist. I is like this but we have to work through the problem in order to know what I is. Angels are supernatural beings that guide us in our lives and protect us from harm. I does not do this, I is just related to the mathematical world. I is nothing more then an imaginary number. I helps with build buildings not protect us from evil. But, I and angels are the workings of God. God made both of these to be useful in our lives.
ReplyDeleteAt first, I thought a math concept like the complicated i was nothing like an angel. It seemed almost impossible to try and relate the two together. As I thought about it, there are similarities between the two. Sometimes, both of them are complicated to believe they exist. The equation, (a+bi) has a real part (a) to it and an imaginary part (bi). An angel could be the same; a real part and an imaginary part. In order for them to work in a math problem or life, you have to believe they exist. If we know that i exist, then we can solve problems where we need the square root of a negative number. If we believe that angels exist, that can help us solve problems in our own lives. In both cases, you may need to use one for them to solve a problem someday.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder, V, if you pick two random subjects and use them both in a sentence just to mess with us or is it to see how people can make a connection between random subjects. Well, in either case, I have no choice unless I want a bad grade. Imaginary numbers are like angels because they don’t follow the same mathematic rules as rational, irrational numbers… etc. Angels don’t follow the natural laws of this universe, if they did they could be rationalized and measured to the point that they would no longer be supernatural. They would be like all other real numbers. Following this metaphor, people would be the real numbers that followed the natural laws of mathematics. When put together, imaginary and real, we form a new set numbers called complex numbers. People are said to have their own guardian angels and this makes us a pair like complex numbers. There is part to us that makes sense and another that doesn’t: i^2= -1. Imaginary numbers have limitations because they do not explain all of mathematics with its broad range in different set of numbers. It is just that the concept of imaginary numbers compared to simple arithmetic is much harder to grasp and as well as angels are a little higher than man.
ReplyDeleteThis statement is easy for me to agree with. Imaginary numbers are hard for me to comprehend, just as angels are mysterious and hard to understand. I believe that angles are always here, even though we can not see them, kind of like imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers are combined with real numbers to make a complex numbers. When I read this, I think of humans as the real numbers, the physical number. And I see angels as the imaginary number, which usually shows a 2nd physical dimension, considering angels are not of our world. The complex numbers made by imaginary and real numbers can be of Gods will. An angel “sent” to earth to help a human can come out to be a miracle. Humans (a) +Angels (bi) = Miracles or plans for us from God. We are the real numbers, set in our one spot on earth, while angels are imaginary numbers, who can appear anywhere at once, to help out. So the number i, like an angel, it is there to help us figure out problems in life, just like the number is used to figure out functions or equations.
ReplyDeleteI really don’t see imaginary numbers as angels in most ways. They have similarities but they aren’t a perfect analogy match. In my analogy, humans are real numbers. I don’t know why but we are. Anyway when you separate (square root) a human, you don’t get to angels. If you have two angels, you don’t get a human. Angels aren’t really imaginary. We know for a fact that they exist. “i” is a way of explaining something that doesn’t actually exist unless used in math. Also, angels have a different set of basic rules. They don’t have free will anymore as we do. They are servants and only servants. Imaginary numbers can follow the basic add, subtract, multiply and divide. If anything, we are the imaginary numbers because we have more privilege, but not as much power. The last thing is angels are angels. Imaginary numbers can switch to real numbers by finding another imaginary number and…squaring. Angels can’t. I don’t see any resemblance.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know if I understand this question seeing that I believe the number “I” is stupid. But if you think about it I guess in a way it starts to make sense not the stupid part but seeing that “I” is imaginary but real at the same time. It also shows the idea of they are very complicated and different from all the other numbers also as if they are special they can be anything. This point brings up idea of “I” also has to be controlled though but the mathematician or in this sense God. I see all these points that could be a way to relate imaginary numbers to angels but I don’t think it would be necessarily correct to say they do. Imaginary numbers are numbers and angels are angels they do the Lords work. Angels are far beyond some kind of number. I can see how the relation can be made but I don’t really believe they are in the same “boat” or in better terms be classified together. So I don’t understand “I” so well and I don’t understand angels so well maybe they are two of a kind set from all the other numbers and people but I only see it as math and religion two different things.
ReplyDeletei think that the number i can be like a angel. Because sometimes the number i is postive and negative, just like angels. Like in the moses story where the angel of death had to come and kill all those people and kids but yet they can do amazing things like come down to earth and spread the word that the son of God is coming to save us from all our sins. What i am tryig to get at is that they are the same but yet they have two meanings.
ReplyDeleteThe number i is a symbol for an imagery number. we don't see them on a graph but we know they are there. We use them even though they aren't actual real numbers such as: 1,2,and 3. When I think of angels I think of helpers that do the will of God and get nothing in return. The same can be said for an imagery number. Though their purpose is indefinite they are still here to help us.better understand numbers on the number graph. Angels are around us even though they don't bags a body or a soul. They are God's helped who are with js when.we need them. Just like imagery numbers, angels too, can be frustrating. Sometimes they don't want to do the work or God and can be punished. When we get frustrated with imagery numbers we give up and try something else. Because of these reasons I think it's okay to say imagery numbers can sometimes act like angels.
ReplyDeleteThe i symbol can be viewed differently from other people's prospective, either a good thing or a bad thing. just like how people view angels and demons. which is good and which is bad. well from what I individually come to understand that i can be viewed either way. It all depends on how it is presenting itself in the problem/situation. In this world we can understand different things but up to a certain exstant. This can be applied to i as well. Let me put it in this sense. i is very powerful mathematically; as is the power of an angel spiritually. Both share an infanent amount of power in the separate worlds they are in. But they both have similarities. Such as, they are powerful, infanent and imaginative. Its mainly how they present themselves to the world to either leave a good impression on people or not. Well as for me, I consider i as an angel.
ReplyDeleteThe number I is like angels in many different ways, and it is very different also. One of the things that makes them very similar is they are not always seen by humans. Another thing that makes them similar is they are very complex and hard to understand. They also can help solve problems throughout people’s lives. Also they both were created by God in a sense, but in saying that it can make them different. God created angels, but a human thought of and made the number I. Something else that makes them different is angels are perfect and the number I isn’t. Another thing that makes them different is angels are personable and the number I isn’t at all. So some can say that the number I and angles are alike for many different reasons and they can also say that they are different.
ReplyDeleteWell to me, the number I is like an angel in the way that when I first saw it, I was taken aback like “i??? Whaaaaat?!” And if I saw a real angel I’d probably have the same reaction. But on more of a figurative level, the number I is like an angel because it’s just plain different. There is an infinite amount of numbers. Like there are a huge amount of humans on Earth. Yet, I (or an Angel) is different from all of us. Quite confusing at times, but also extremely helpful. i helps us find the answer to a question. An angel helps us find our ways through life.
ReplyDeleteWhen thinking of i in Pre Calculus it's just a number that is imaginary but when comparing that number to an angel it could be compared in so many different ways. As a number in Pre Calculus it's just a number that you would use to solve a problem. In an angel sense it's like the number i could appear anywhere just like an angel does. Like said before this number could appear anywhere which would be an equation trying to solve what that number is. Comparing it to an angel it's like the angel is everywhere and never leaves our sides. This number could only appear in someways when dealing with math but could not be an angel because it's not as powerful when it comes to doing different things in life. This number would only appear when doing math problems. So from my prospective I disagree in someways that the number i could not be an angel cause it does not follow us around like an angel would.
ReplyDeletePersonally I feel that the number i is like an angel. I have always, and still have a hard time wrapping my brain around the number i. Regarding angels, they are also something I cannot fully wrap my brain around. In basic knowledge I guess I can say that both are invisible. The number i is an invisible number, and angels as far as I believe are not visible to us on earth today. Growing up in church services and Bible classes, angels were talked about, but something I never was taught in great detail about. The number i has always been that way as well, just something I learned a glimpse about through different math classes but never went into full detail or understanding of. Some people may fully be able understand the concept of the number i, but for me that has never really happened. I think that is the way angels and the number i relate for me, in just the fact that they are both something I have been taught but never have been able to fully grasp. They are both invisible, but besides that I have really no great knowledge of either of them.
ReplyDeleteI agree that (i) is like an angel and I somewhat disagree. (i) is like an angel because i is imaginary and cannot be seen by the human eye. Angles are not imaginary but no one really knows if they exists just like i. (i) is a number that we do not know can help us find a number to solve an equation, like an angel can help us find the way to God. (i) is one of Gods creations for us to use in order to figure out equations, and he also gave us angels for us to interact with. There can be good and bad angels like there can be good and bad imaginary (i) (positive and negative i). Sometimes i cannot be like a angel. (i) can lead us to the right direction of an equation and, an angel can lead us to the right direction to God but we don’t need angels in order to find God. Like I said there can be bad angels that can lead us to the wrong direction to Satan. I think that (i) can be a complicated number to figure out.
ReplyDeleteI believe that imaginary numbers are like angels. I cannot explain using big words or complex theories I have conjured up but I can relate on a more personal level. The imaginary number pretty much sticks to the number it has been assigned to and stay with it until the end of the equation. When the product of real and imaginary numbers are resolved, they create and even more complex situation. God had given us life and an angel for guidance and when we coming, we are also a complex being. I have been told that angels stick by your side throughout all of life and guide you to the right answers. When completing an equation, you solve the problem one at a time and usually resort to the rules of the imaginary number. The same goes for life, you go through trial and tribulations in accordance with the rules of the angels who are really messengers of an even higher being. Though life may be complex at times, there always is an angel by your side. The same goes with the imaginary number because it stays with the number, guiding, until the end of the equation is reached. Though we cannot see the angel, we know they are there and just like we know imaginary numbers are well…imaginary, we know they exist.
ReplyDeleteThe number i is in many ways like an angel. i stands for an imaginary number. It is a real number that we have to kind of imagine. This is just like angels. They are real, and we know they are there, but because we can’t see them, we have to imagine them. The number helps us use numbers, like the square root of 1, which we normally wouldn’t be able to use. We are given this number to help us figure out equations that normally would not be solvable. I think that God sends us angels, to help us figure out the equation of life. Without a little helping hand, we would be totally lost. Like i, we have to imagine angels and believe that they are there.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the number i is much like an angel. Like we as humans do not know very much about angels, i do not fully understand i. Since it is imaginary, you have to have faith in knowing that it is there. In the same way, we have faith in knowing that angels are all around us, even though we cannot always see them. The number i can take the roll of any number at any time, just as an angel can be anywhere at anytime. Like angels before the fall, the number i does in a sense have its own free will. It can be where ever it wants and take the place of any number. Like angels help us with our everyday tasks, i helps us solve equations. Imaginary numbers are tools in our tool box to solve equations just as God uses angels to carry out his tasks. All in all, imaginary numbers, like angels were put on this planet to help us.
ReplyDeleteI believe that i is like an angel in the sense that it is a number that is not in the physical realm just as angels are of the spiritual realm. We use i when we try to take a square root of a negative number. We can never use i in the physical realm. Angels work mostly in a dimension that we can not see just as imaginary numbers do. Another way angels are like imaginary numbers is that they both help us. With imaginary numbers, they help us with a problem that would normally be impossible to complete. Angels also are God's helpers that help us with circumstances in our life. However, one way that angels are not like i is that angels can be a physical being too. In Hebrews 13 it says that we should be nice to strangers as some of us could be face to face with an angel without knowing. Imaginary numbers could never become a physical substance.
ReplyDelete'i' can be compared as an angel, both good and bad. An angel from hell can confuse you and give you a hard time, just like 'i' in a fraction or a certain math problem. Angels are also rarely seen by the eye of humans, even though many walk this earth. Just like 'i' is rarely seen in a math problem. 'i' is an imaginary number but it can be used to solve some of the most difficult problems in math. Just like God uses angels, sometimes he uses those angels to help us humans with our most difficult problems. if we learn to understand angels and how God uses them, we will understand God and life a little better. With math, if we understand 'i' we will get math a lot easier. It just takes time to learn.
ReplyDeleteThe imaginary number i is similar to an angel. It is very vague and you cant see how is influences the equation yet. However it plays a huge part in all of math and is needed. The equation is like life, and everything equals G. Angels are a needed part in it because they help you along. Angels can also be frustrating. They don't give us their full purpose and that can be very frustrating. They can also be positive or negative like an imaginary number. Imaginary numbers are so confusing and I don't always see the point in them. Angels are very much like that, but we need to trust that they are there to help.