It would be wise to read the expectations for your EQ's (10 sentences, grammar, etc)!

Ch 9 EQ Choice #2

How can you use probability to make wise decisions in your life?


  1. Probability in life could be taken different ways the way I take it is that the probability that if you choose to do something how much good or bad can come from it….percentage wise. Say that you choose to lie to a friend so they don’t have to deal with the truth which could hurt them. The possibility that they could hate you for not telling them could be a high or low percentage depending on how much you know the person. You may know that the percentage of them being mad at you could be high but then you would measure how bad the truth could affect them. Maybe when you think about it they could deal with it and the percentage of it hurting them is low. So is it better to tell them or not tell them. Mathematically speaking it would be better to tell them in this case. But using percentage on human emotion is extremely risky and could end up good or bad. A simpler way of using percentage to make a good decision is similar to us telling ourselves to weight the consequences of our actions or to think “what is the most probable outcome?” Whether we know it or not we already use percentages in our decision making sometimes. When we think of the word wise we think justified or justice. A wise person can give advice that works or can settle a matter with the least consequences. They weight the other options and in a form which can be considered taking the percentage of good turnouts in each option and choose to suggest the option with the highest good turnout, though when we make decisions we must not just take the percentage of the good turn out but also the bad turnout and the uncertainty. Uncertainty is what could change the whole situation and could out weight the good and the bad turnout. Wise decision making all depends on the percentages of the good, the bad, and the uncertainty.

  2. Probability in life could be taken different ways the way I take it is that the probability that if you choose to do something how much good or bad can come from it….percentage wise. Say that you choose to lie to a friend so they don’t have to deal with the truth which could hurt them. The possibility that they could hate you for not telling them could be a high or low percentage depending on how much you know the person. You may know that the percentage of them being mad at you could be high but then you would measure how bad the truth could affect them. Maybe when you think about it they could deal with it and the percentage of it hurting them is low. So is it better to tell them or not tell them. Mathematically speaking it would be better to tell them in this case. But using percentage on human emotion is extremely risky and could end up good or bad. A simpler way of using percentage to make a good decision is similar to us telling ourselves to weight the consequences of our actions or to think “what is the most probable outcome?” Whether we know it or not we already use percentages in our decision making sometimes. When we think of the word wise we think justified or justice. A wise person can give advice that works or can settle a matter with the least consequences. They weight the other options and in a form which can be considered taking the percentage of good turnouts in each option and choose to suggest the option with the highest good turnout, though when we make decisions we must not just take the percentage of the good turn out but also the bad turnout and the uncertainty. Uncertainty is what could change the whole situation and could out weight the good and the bad turnout. Wise decision making all depends on the percentages of the good, the bad, and the uncertainty.

  3. Probability is a mathematical solid based on unpredictability. When I make desisions, it isn't always a question of probability or what I will most likely do. Sometimes I do use it by seeing what the most likely outcome is and makeing a esision based on that. I see the logical choice and go with it. In life a person can always associate chance with everyday life. I believe however that few things happen by chance. When they do I always use probability to find the best way.Probability can be calculated but in the end a lot has to do with sheer dumb luck. When it comes to that its hard to say if anything is ertain. The best decision however is to use probability.

  4. Probability is all around us and whether we like it or not we always use it to make good decisions we use it always in our head. Some ways that you can use it though to better your life and know your using it is making a decision about your life in school like in college Harvard you have a better chance at getting a better job rather if you go to a community college and you need to know this in whatever you do. Also probability of things breaking like products you buy such as the probability of a military phone or one that’s made to fall compared to cheap plastic phone. So knowing your product and the probability would better you in what you buy. Also probability of liability in a product like cars such as in one with our airbags or without proper safety products as one with them so you would have a higher probability of getting injured than in the one that’s safe. Even drugs and such things like if you drink and smoke while your pregnant your child is more likely to have problems than if you don’t. Probability is everywhere we make decisions all the time and think about outcomes all the time and if you have probability in your mind it will make your decision a better decision.

  5. I could use probability to make wise decisions in my life by weighing my options. I could calculate which choice is good or bad, or which is a greater risk. The problem with doing this would be, concluding with a fifty-fifty chance. This would be difficult to weigh and to decide. In the end, we all make foolish decisions but, it would be better to have facts of probability on your side.

  6. I believe that we use probability in our lives everyday. We may not realize it, but if you think about it, it is quite obvious. So you go to school, and didn't do your precalc homework. You think to yourself, will it be better to tell the truth, or lie? Well 70% chance Mr.V will realize you are lying, and you will get a 0 for a homework grade, and 30% chance you can pull it off... I choose the 70% chance myself...well...sometimes. And with further thought one can realize that we use this logic all the time, maybe we don't think of it as probability, but it is! I believe that by applying probability to all aspects in life, we can live a normal, safe life...But I'm gonna be honest, taking chances is what life is about! Sometimes we have to take chances, because if we don't we have no surprises in life! Using probability can make a person safe, and 50% happy. Myself, I want to take chances, but not all the time.

Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
