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Ch 9 EQ Choice #3

What is a greater risk, following Christ or not following Christ? Why?


  1. Following Christ gives you two options. One: you believe in him, and go to heaven or two: you don’t and go to hell. You have a 50% chance and that’s all you have. Even though it’s a 50% chance…it’s not really a chance at all. It is a choice you make by yourself. If you don’t follow Christ, you open the possibilities of all the other religions in the world. There would be thousands of religions and hundreds of ways no one accidentally qualifies for most religions or ways to heaven. So if you just take a chance, you have almost no chance. It’s really not worth taking a chance. One way, it’s a choice. Eliminate “not believing,” and you have a 100% chance. No chance, no way of getting rejected, and no way to really to not be a part of the “winning” side. There is no contest, Christ is no risk at all.

  2. In my opinion, not following Christ is the greater risk with the idea of death and heaven or hell. If you don’t follow Christ and God exists, then you will be judged for your sins and be sent to purgatory. If you don’t believe and God isn’t there, then you’ll be “fine” I guess. Not believing has one good outcome for it. If you do follow Christ and God is real, then you’re saved and will enjoy heaven. If God isn’t real, then you didn’t lose anything. Also, many spiritual faiths all lead toward something like God so just being spiritual will save you. So you get three good things out of believing in Christ or at least being spiritual. In comparison, you have a 3:1 ratio of believing to not believing. Due to those chances, believing in Christ or being spiritual is the better way to go.

  3. The question of weather it is safer to follow Christ or not is very difficult to answer. It is even harder to put this question into a mathematical probability form, maybe even impossible. I believe that the probabilities are in your favor if you follow Christ then if you don’t. If you follow Christ you are saved and you can look forward to an eternity of peace. If you don’t follow Christ then you look at a few very bad ending for yourself. If you are an atheist then you look forward to a black void and end of your existence. An atheist who doesn’t choose Christ would go to hell and suffer for an eternity. There really isn’t any big risk that comes with following Christ. There is a lot more evidence that supports the Bible then any other religion can claim. Even though mathematically it is safer to chose Christ then not a lot has to do with faith, which can’t be measured by any instrument or formula. I believe it is a lot less risky to choose Christ then not and suffer the consequence of being wrong.

  4. Not following Christ of course. It might seemed like following Christ is a major risk, since the whole world turned against Him a long time ago. You might lose a lot of friendships and definitely be hated by the world. Bible says(John 15:19) that Since God chose us out of the world and we decided to live our lives for Him, the world will hate you because you don’t belong to it. But He also says(John 15:18) not to worry because He has lived in this earth and has been hated and tempted just like everyone single one of us. So it might seemed like being hated in this world, by the people we might call our friends, it’s a huge deal and we might not be able to handle such risk. Personally, I prefer to be hated by the world in this life(which I will probably only live for 60-70 years if God blesses me with) than to live in the raging world of fire(Hell) where I will be tormented and suffering for eternity(that’s a whole lot of 60 and 70 years). Some People think that Hell is not real, reason why they think not following Christ is a big risk, so they live life sinning and enjoying it using the excuse that there is no Hell. But for me, I have seen the hand of God work in my life, and this year I have been kinda in the middle of following Christ and not(which is not good, He hates Lukewarm Christians) so I will have to take that risk again so that I can grow spiritually and make my father in heaven happy. For me, if I think about it, its not really a risk. If you are a Christian, you are supposed to be humble(Luke14:11) because God will take care of your problems(He is always in control). So if someone argues with you, be quiet and humble because the “Most High” has got your back. So I will start taking that risk(make the decision) again because in the end, being hated in this life sounds awesome compared to living in hell. If I can do it, you can do it.

  5. Not following Christ would be a greater risk. Take Fred for example, he lives his life without believing in God or Christ, he will not be able to go to Heaven. He will miss a great opportunity to an awesome place. He will live his life without believing what Christ did for him. He will not know that God and Jesus are there for him when he is alone in the dark. Fred will not understand how awesome God and Christ are and how they can change his life. Fred will be a lost sheep, who does not want to be found. He will not know about forgiveness that God gives. He will also not know how much Jesus and God love him. Then, when Fred dies he will go in the opposite direction of Heaven and live in agony for eternity.

  6. I think that not following Christ is a greater risk. You want eternal life and you want to live with God, so why not follow someone who promises that? If you don't follow Christ, you have a big risk of not being redeemed. Your reward isn't in this lifetime. You work hard in this temporary life to spread God's word. If you follow Him, you will receive that reward in heaven. It's just a matter of believing. Believe and you'll be fine. Don't follow God, and suffer the consequences and risk if not knowing God. You could be risking living with a God who loves you, and end up spending an eternity elsewhere.

  7. The probability of not following Christ is greater than the chance of following Christ. This is more dangerous because your most likely not gonna go to heaven. There are more of the devils influences to get to you. The devil will decieve you with with the media such as tv and radio to the people that surround you. If you follow Christ you are going to be protected, 100%. Odds are most people chose the broad path of not following Christ. Little do people choose the past of Christ. If you choose the path of Christ you some what defy the odds. God is gonna protect his children, through any circumstance. that is why it is safer to follow God.

  8. In response to the last EQ question option 3, I think that not choosing to follow Christ is definitely a greater risk. Your not living your life the right way, the way God intended us to live. By straying away from Christ and willingly choosing not to follow him is the wrong choice. If we want after life with the Lord then you must make the commitment to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and recognize you’re a sinner and ask for forgiveness. If we don’t honor our commitment to Christ by following him I would say it is not just a risk it’s wrong. How can you call your self a Christian or a follower if are only speaking our actions but not doing them? I do not see how following Christ could be considered a risk. At least not in the United States because we have the freedom to be whichever religion we choose. Choosing to not follow Christ is a greater risk because your missing out on a one of a kind relationship that is promised to last forever. But I am glad I have made the choice to be follower of Christ because not following him is a risk I am just not willing to take.

  9. i believe that if we do not take a chance and do not follow christ, that we will be lost and not know what to do on this earth. You should take a chance on christ because if you do he will open the door to many things as well as make your life way more fun. We need to know that he loves us and that we should take a chance and just believe. its kinda like the trust game, were if you fall you trust that someone will catch you. You have to trust that God will have you back if you fall and he will catch you and bring you back to were you belong.

  10. I have grown up in a Christian household. I do not know of any other way to live my life. I grew up knowing almost everything about Jesus; I live my life for Christ. I personally think that not following Christ is a much greater risk than following him. However, my opinion may be somewhat biased. I am currently in doctrine and we have disused many topics about Christianity. I find it hard to not read or believe in the Bible. It is one of the oldest, however the most accurately translated book ever. There are no mistakes, and Jesus was a real person. Why would mankind ever want to doubt something so incredible for…nothing? It is almost foolish to have no religion than to follow Christ. Without Christ I would be gambling my life, forever. There are so many things in life that lead to God, but the only way to God is through Christ. And we all have a free choice that will determine our lives forever. Following Christ seems like the obvious choice to me. Why risk everything, when you could just give Christ a chance.

  11. The greater risk, on earth, is following God. The greater risk, after this life, is not following God. Following God on this earth is risk because you will constantly have Satan on your back. He tries to keep you from God and he will do anything to make it happen! The devil is always ready to attack you when you are happy or when you are sad. So living on earth is hard! Not only because of sin and evil but because of all the troubles you go through. If we do not follow God, we will have serious consequences! We will regret every bad decision in our life but it will be too late! Nobody wants to spend eternity in pain and suffering, so we should follow God. Overall, the greater risk is not following God because he has all the power to give and take away. If you get him mad, then he has the power to do whatever.

  12. It is a way bigger risk to not follow Christ than to follow him. When we follow Christ and have faith in him then when we die we will go to heaven. If you do not follow Christ and put your faith in him you will not go to heaven. I do not understand why anyone would want to take that chance. If you have heard about Christ and how he died for you to go to heaven, why would you still choose not to follow him? I do not think people should think about it this way though. We should not have to figure out the pro’s and con’s of following Christ, and then decide to follow him or not. Following Christ is not really a risk at all. Yes, you may have a hard time with some people in today’s world, you may even get killed for your belief in him, but you will still go to heaven and be with God forever. That is what really matters.

Essential questions are due within 1 week of taking the chapter test. They should be at a minimum of a 10 sentence, 1 paragraph response, but may be longer. Each chapter’s essential questions will assemble your “Electronic EQ” project for each semester and will be worth a project grade at the end of the semester. Each chapter will count toward 16 points of the final 100-point project grade. Responses will receive 16 points for excellent work, 10 points for good work, 5 points for mediocre work, and 0 points for no response. Completing all five EQs on time during the semester will earn you an automatic 20 points towards your electronic EQ. Questions? Ask Mr. VanSlooten.
